Echo Theater

Zikr-i ASK

Hylton Performing Arts Center, Merchant Hall


Presented by Echo Theater

“Benligin katmanlarinda dolasirken tutkuyla yoneldigimiz kapilar bize bambaska manzaralar sunabiliyor. Evet bulanlar hep arayanlardir ama hayat bazen de arama ve bulmayi bambaska bir sirra bagliyor. Dus ile gercekligin, acz ile lutfun degistigi hisler evreninin ASK gezegeninde yolculuk yapmaya var misiniz?”

"As we wander through the layers of the self, the doors we passionately turn to can reveal entirely new vistas. Yes, those who find are always the seekers, but sometimes life ties seeking and finding to a completely different mystery. Are you ready to embark on this theatrical experience to the planet of LOVE, where dreams and reality, helplessness and grace intertwine in the universe of emotions?"

This play is performed entirely in Turkish

Tickets: $25 adult; no children under 10 years old admitted to this performance

10% early bird discount special until August 25th